My New Obsession: Styling with a Scarf

I am scarf obsessed!  There should be a group for this.  I wear a scarf with every outfit during every season. I have over 50 scarves hanging from a lamp in my room.  Embarrassing I know. It is next to my stack of hats…but we will save that story for another day.   I found this article on unique ways to style with scarves.  Thought it was worth sharing with my fellow scarf addicts!


Fashionelle Studio

I have been seeing this stylish way of wearing a scarf on pinterest a lot. And I like it. It was seen at the Burberry’s fall fashion show last year and is eventually making its way to the streets. You can pull it off with a dress or jeans. It is a simple yet fashionable look and works well with or without a belt.

If you a scarf lover like I am check out my scarf fashion pinterest board

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