Fashion Graveyard or Treasure Trove? Photography by #Justin Orlick

I recently went to a flea market in my local area.  I absolutely love the quest of finding something old that can be re-purposed and made new again.  As a trolled through the isles I starting noticing the mannequins with beautiful vintage hats, jewelry and accessories.  It was as if they were reaching out to me.  Here are some of the pictures I took.  I asked myself; ” is this a fashion graveyard or a treasure trove?”  I voted the later.

Justin Orlick Photography

Justin Orlick Photography


Justin Orlick Photography

Justin Orlick Photography


Justin Orlick Photography

Justin Orlick Photography


Justin Orlick Photography

Justin Orlick Photography


Justin Orlick Photography

Justin Orlick Photography


Justin Orlick Photography

Justin Orlick photography